Manual Resuscitation Bag
A resuscitation bag is a hollow, football shaped device used to manually push air into the lungs to assist the child in taking breaths.
- Refill automatically with air or oxygen after being squeezed.
- Remains inflated between squeezes.
- Delivers positive pressure ventilation without using oxygen.
- Nonrebreathing valve directs flow of gas to the child when the bag is squeezed and away from the child with exhalation.
- Bag automatically reinflates after each compression.
- Adapter allows the bag to be attached to a face mask or tracheostomy.
- Reservoir is a hollow tube or additional bag attached to the end of the bag to increase the concentration of oxygen.
- There are disposable and non-disposable bags of various sizes. Bagging can be used with or without supplemental oxygen.
- The resuscitation bag is used:
- during emergencies,
- to give larger breaths than the child can take,
- when disconnected from the ventilator during circuit changes or problems,
- after suctioning.
- A resuscitation bag and mask must accompany the child with a tracheostomy at all times.
- Try to match the child’s breathing efforts and rate.
- Give a breath that is big enough to make the chest rise, but not too big.