Upper Respiratory System
The upper respiratory system consists of the parts outside the chest cavity including:
- nasal cavity
- pharynx
- epiglottis
- larynx
- esophagus

The upper respiratory system changes with growth. Children's airways are smaller and shorter.
- Child's epiglottis is floppier and U-shaped.
- Child's airway is anterior and higher.
Child's trachea is more flexible.
- Airway muscles and cartilage are not completely developed. This makes it easier for the airways to collapse.
- Small amounts of mucus or swelling can greatly decrease the radius of the airway, increasing resistance to airflow and the work of breathing.
One mm of edema increases the resistance in an infant's airway by a factor of 16 versus a factor of 2.4 in an adult airway.
Source: Markenson, D.S. Pediatric Prehospital Care, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2002, p. 97.