Advocating for Children with Special health Care Needs  

About This Topic

The purpose of this lesson is to examine the concept of life transition using a Transition Model. This model provides an action plan that can be used to care for children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) that involves multiple caregivers over long periods of time. Life transitions begin with expected or unexpected provoking events. If transitions are anticipated, careful planning with training of all participants in the system will facilitate a successful transition.

Transition is an important concept because life transitions are a part of life for every child with special health care needs. In fact, everyone is faced with transitions in their life. Transitions indicate that we are moving from one phase of our life to another. We need to adapt to facilitate the change needed to move into this new phase. For a family with a CSHCN this may happen when the child is diagnosed with a chronic illness. It may happen when the child is hospitalized and then discharged with a complex treatment plan. It may happen as the child grows older and goes to school for the first time.

A common type of transition for youth with special health care needs is from pediatric to adult care.  The Transition Model discussed in this lesson can be used to develop a better understanding of the dynamics of these life transitions.

What you will learn

After you complete this lesson you will be able to do the following:

  • Describe the Transition Model.
  • Recognize the impacts of life transitions on families.

To get the most from this lesson

    To learn more from this lesson we recommend that you approach it in the following way:

  • Proceed through the sidebar items from top to bottom. Go through the course by using the sidebar links. Take the quiz last.
  • Keep in mind the importance of transition in your life and for your patients.