Tracheostomy Stoma Care

Tracheostomy Stoma Care

Tracheostomy stoma care is cleansing of the stoma and skin of the neck to prevent stoma infections and granulation tissue formation by keeping the stoma area clear of secretions and irritation.

  • Tracheostomy stoma care is a clean procedure that is done daily and as needed.
  • Stoma care includes:
    • Swabbing or washing around the stoma and neck.
    • Changing the dressing, if used.
    • Assessing stoma and skin for the presence of granulation tissues, drainage, swelling, or color change.
    • Documenting your observations, notifying physician of any problems, and treating any change noted during your assessment.

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  • It is important to check under the tracheostomy ties, near the flanges of the trach tube, and under the ties to look for skin breakdown or rashes.
  • Contact dermatitis and yeast infections can develop with children with tracheostomies due to trach collars with humidity or dressings that are used.